Sunday, March 16, 2014

Started with a Hiccup..

The beginning of March started off a little rocky.  A couple unexpected things happened, but after the dust settled, life began to turn out for the better.

I started the month off with an interview that I was praying I would nail.  It was for a job that I forgot I had a passion for, which is taking pictures.  I was told I would either hear from her by Friday or not at all.  The next day my phone rang and I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement.  So much so that the night before I was supposed to go in for my first day I made myself sick from nervousness.  I don't know why I was so nervous though,  my first day went off without a hitch and I met some pretty fantastic ladies.  The other girls that were hired along with myself are super nice as well.

I am so thankful that this opportunity has presented itself at the time that it did.  Not only am I doing what I love, but I also get to help bring money into the home.  With my husband getting out of the military shortly, this extra income will help us save up.  Not to mention, I get to get out of the house for a few hours a day.

Yesterday was, what I thought, the best day ever.  I got to shoot two Smash Cake sessions for two adorable babies who were turning 1 year old.  They were both adorable and their cakes looked yummy.  I loved seeing their faces, fingers, and toes covered in cake.  Plus, the joy on their parents faces when they were looking at the photos I took made it that much better.

However, today was better and I will tell you why.  Like every other trainee, I got to do shoots all day with the help of the other core photographers helping me pose and light.  BUT, toward the end of my shift the other ladies were busy and we got a walk-in, and guess who got to shoot the session solo? ME!!  It was so much fun.  I got to pose, light and shoot the whole thing all by myself.  The guests loved the photos so much, they bought the biggest bundle and some extras.  After they were finished my boss called me over to look through the photos and she loved them too.  She also said that I was the first trainee to do a solo session. YAY ME!!

Plus, in a couple weeks Little Man is going to be turning 9.  WOW! Where did the time go?  He has grown up so fast I cannot believe it.  We still don't know if we are having a party, or just a family day.  Maybe we will take him to Chuck E Cheese, or maybe even get pictures done... Muahaha.. Who knows.

I cannot tell you how much our lives have turned around for the better.  I was very scared that things would not get any better and that we would be stuck in a rut that would be impossible to get out of.  I love our lives right now and I am so excited for this ride to continue.

What is something exciting that is going on in your life?  I would love to hear about it.  Leave a comment below!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Purging... Your house

A few days ago my parents moved out and back to Oregon.  While it was a sad time, it gave my husband and I a chance to go through our house and get rid of some things.  The garage and living room were the first to be tackled.  Before my parents moved the garage was a mess.  There were boxes, shelves, tools, Christmas decorations, yard tools, and just a bunch of junk in there.  After the move I am happy to say that we have found the walls and floor.  WOO HOO!  Now there is room for projects.

In my last post I stated that I was going to be taking on some new projects.  Since then the garage turned into a storage unit of sorts which left little room to get anything done.  But now, I can finally get in there and get things done.  I am really looking forward to that.

The next area we (mainly I) tackled was the living room.  With the TV, stand, and multiple DVD stands gone, there was a giant space to fill.  I pulled in a dresser from my parents room and turned it into a sort of entertainment stand.  The drawers are now being used as storage for our Blu-Ray and regular DVD's, some board games, and our Xbox games, controllers and accessories.

Next on our list is the dining room.  We have two sets of shelves that we are going to purge and possibly move to another location in the house.  This will free up more room in there and open it up a bit more.  I'm looking forward to that.

I love rearranging furniture.  It helps shake things up a bit and gives a new look to any space.  I wish I could paint this house though.  But unfortunately since we are renting we are not allowed to paint.  I don't mind the color that the walls are painted now, but it's boring to look at.  I cannot wait until we move into our own home.  I will be painting like crazy.

Soon we will be taking on our next yard sale.  I will have be willing to let go of a lot.  We have so much and so do the kids.  I honestly believe this a good sign.  It means we have been able to give our children a lot, more than we had as kids.  But after a while they start losing interest in some of those things and that is when it is time to sell them to other little ones.  It will be hard for them, but in the end they will appreciate what they still have.  Same goes for Ed and I.  There are so many things we still have that we no longer use.  Especially me.  I have been through so many phases that I now have a hefty collection of craft items I no longer use.  Time to purge!

What are some ways you like to purge?  Is it in your closet?  Do you do yard sales, donate, or throw it all away?  I would love to hear some of your purging stories.