Wednesday, July 3, 2013

AdvoCare... my story

So back in October I joined the AdvoCare community.  I remember because I was at my lowest, mentally and physically.  I could barely keep my eyes open the whole day, I was tired all the time and barely wanted to get out of bed to take the kids to school.  I was so out of shape and could barely do a sit up to save my life.  If someone stood in front of me and told me to do a sit up or I would die, I would have said shoot me now.  

The day I was introduced to AdvoCare was the day I woke up and realized I could be someone better.  A better mother to my kids, a better wife to my husband, a better friend, and just an all around better to person to myself.  My sister-in-law introduced me to Spark and I do not know what I would do without it.  Not only do I have more energy now, but I am able to stay awake and focused throughout my day in order to have fun and play with my kids and not just be in the same room with them, but actually be present in their lives.  Spark has re-energized me and my life. 

After seeing the effect Spark had on my life, I went ahead and started the 24 Day Challenge.  And oh my GOODNESS!!!  Not only did I end up with energy to spare, I lost weight and inches.  I went from a size 7 to a size 4!  I can wear skinny jeans and not feel like a jiggly mess!  That feeling alone, WOW! After Phase 1 of the challenge I began to feel like a new person. Not only could I feel the effects, but I could see them as well.  My jeans were getting a little loose, and my energy was through the roof.  After Phase 2, I could tell that there was a noticeable change.  When my husband came home that next month, he noticed the change in me as well.  He noticed not just the physical change, but also the mental change as well.  When he left for Afghanistan, I was not a happy person.  I was short tempered, I would yell at my kids when they would get out of control and I was just very unpleasant to be around.  But after using these products from AdvoCare, my life has changed for the better! 

There are so many amazing result stories out there.  The reason for this is because the products WORK!  They are amazing and healthy.  

I want to share these products with the world as well.  I want to help all the tired moms and overworked dads out there.  I want to help you all feel and see the future with the new and healthy you doing what it is you have dreamed of doing.  It is possible, anything is possible. 

Here are some touching and inspiring stories.  Please watch these videos and really think about if AdvoCare is right for you.  

There are so many more videos I could post here, but I do not want to overwhelm you.  Just know that these products and this opportunity could change your life and I want to help you.  I want to help you just like my sister-in-law helped me. 

So, what do you think?  Are you ready to take the next step and change your life forever?