Saturday, March 10, 2012

Planning for Little Man's 7th Birthday!

I am sorry it has been a while since I have posted. I have been busy with PTO, Kid's Schoolwork, My Schoolwork, Volunteering, Cooking, Cleaning, Being a Mom, and... Planning for Little Man's 7th Birthday Party!!

I am extremely excited for his birthday this year. We have both agreed on a pretty nifty party theme. This year the theme is.... Superhero Theme!!

I have had so much fun scouring the internet to find ideas for invitations, party favors, decorations, and other awe-inspiring ideas. All of my work has paid off and I have been slaving over the details like a workhorse. (I may have to enlist the help of my PTO lady friends to help out with some decorations. We will just see when I end up burning out.)

So far I have bountiful amounts of ideas. Masks, capes, comic book fighting word decorations, and SUPER cool invitations.

The invitations I found on etsy are absolutely amazing looking. However, at $30 for a set of 12, and me needing 24 invites... I decided to make my own for half the price. There is no way I am shelling out $60 for invitations.

My Invitation

Though mine may not be as perfect looking as the etsy invite, I love how the ones I made turned out. I still have about 18 more to make. Lord help me! My hands are going to feel dead by the end of the weekend. 

The capes will be made out of tablecloths. Little Man's will be black and he will have a black mask. The boys at the party will have blue masks and capes, the girls will have pink masks and capes. EEP! I'm so excited to see them run around the playground in masks and capes!

I found a good tutorial here ---> How To Create Superhero Capes

Next was the fun part... I got to use spray paint!!! I bought white masks from Hobby Lobby to use for the boy and girl masks. Then I spray painted them Hot Pink and Ocean Blue. I got the spray paint from Hobby Lobby as well. I love that place.

The next idea I came across was fabulous! Onomatopoeia words with jagged bubbles staked into cupcakes! No need to mess with fondant! This idea I got from Cupcake Decorating Ideas.

I am also going to make those into larger cutouts to hang around the party area! This is going to be one AWESOME party!!!!

I can't wait until March 30th. Little Man will be turning 7 and I will be turning 82! Not really, but it sure feels like it. I will make sure to take a ton of pictures of the exciting events.